Favorites is a great way to react to photos on VSCO.
When you favorite an image, the image will save to your Favorites collection and a notification will be sent to the owner of the image.
If someone else favorites your image, only you will see who favorited your image.
VSCO does not publicly show how many people favorited your images, your follower count or how many people republished your image.
To Favorite an image from your Feed
Long press on an image and drag your thumb or finger to the Favorite icon
Once the Favorite icon changes color, release your thumb or finger and the image will be favorited.
You also have the ability to Favorite an image in the detail view.
Double tap on an image and then tap on the Favorite icon to Favorite.
How do I find who Favorited my image?
When one of your images is favorited by someone else you will see a notification of the image that has been favorited in your Notifications.
Your Notifications can be found in the top right corner of your VSCO Profile.
Viewing Favorited Images-
- Tap the Profile section icon (😊 icon.)
- Tap on the Global Menu icon (top-left corner.)
- Tap Favorites
To undo a Favorite
Navigate to an image you Favorited and tap the star again. This will unfavorite the image and this will not send a notification to the user.
You can also go to your Favorites section in your Settings and follow the same procedure.
Tap on the image and then tap on to unfavorite.
If you are not comfortable with the interactions you are having on VSCO, please see our help center articles on Staying Safe on VSCO and Blocking on VSCO.