You can create a VSCO Account with Google, Apple, Snapchat, Facebook, a phone number, or email.
You are welcome to have multiple VSCO accounts, but if you choose to have a VSCO Membership, you can only have one VSCO Membership associated with one Apple or Google ID. If you are missing your VSCO Membership because you have multiple VSCO accounts, please see our article "My VSCO Membership is Missing"
You could access the Restore VSCO Membership section by tapping here.
To register with a phone number or email, tap on 'More sign up options'
If you choose to sign up with an email or phone number, you will need to verify your account.
To register with a phone number, tap “Sign up with phone.”
Upon tapping this, you’ll be asked to type in your mobile number. (Please enter a mobile number where you can send and receive texts.)
After entering your mobile number, you’ll be sent to a screen where you’ll send an authorization text. You should receive a text with this after entering your mobile number.
After entering your authorization code you’ll be taken to a screen where you can set up your profile.
If you’ve previously set up an account under a phone number, you’ll be signed into this account.
If signing up with email, you’ll need to verify your email.
To verify your email, check your email inbox for the verification email that was sent to you from VSCO.
If you did not receive the verification email within 5 or 10 minutes, please see our article "I'm not receiving a password or verification email"