Enabling and Disabling Discussions
Deleting, Reporting, and Blocking Responses
What are Discussions?
We’ve heard you. Photographers want a safe space to come together, find community, learn from each other, and get support along the creative and professional journey. We want VSCO to be that place for our members, which is why we created Discussions.
VSCO Discussions allows our members to interact with one another by engaging in conversations on posts in Feed. These Discussions can be used to give feedback, share how much creators enjoy each other’s work, or ask questions about techniques, equipment or process.
Maintaining a safe, intentional, and authentic creative environment is fundamental to VSCO. There will be no like counts on Discussions, and Discussions will not be used as metrics to boost content. You also have full control over your interactions. You can enable or disable Discussions on each of your posts depending on your preference, and engage in the way that feels right for you.
Accessing Discussions
Discussions is a member-driven community experience – available to our Plus and Pro Members – to encourage real conversations among our active and engaged creators. These Discussions are viewable to all creators to inspire expression to the entire VSCO community. To foster a safe environment for creative development, members under 18 years old can participate in Discussions on any eligible post, but can receive Discussion responses only from adult creators they already follow.
While membership is required for full access to Discussions, it is not required for discussions within VSCO Spaces. For more information on VSCO Spaces check out this article in our Safety Center.
Engaging in Discussions
Before participating in a VSCO Discussion, take a moment to consider its potential impact. Is it kind, considerate, and relevant to the conversation? Or could it be considered hurtful, negative, or hostile? By thinking about your response before posting, you can help foster thoughtful engagement and a positive environment.
VSCO is not a place for harmful or illegal conduct. This means hate speech, bullying or harassment, encouragement of self harm, violent threats, or the grooming of minors is not permitted. Any violations of our Terms of Use, including our Community Guidelines, will result in appropriate action taken on your account, which can include suspension. For more information, please review our Community Guidelines and our article on How We Enforce.
It’s also important to exercise caution before sharing personal information, such as your full name, address, or contact information with others. Refrain from sharing personal information about yourself or others as it may be removed for your safety.
Enabling and Disabling Discussions
Want to allow Discussions on one post but not another? The choice is yours.
We understand that for any number of reasons, creators may want the option to keep some posts free from external feedback, while wanting to foster meaningful Discussions on another.
When posting, select "Allow Discussion" to enable the feature, or leave it unchecked if you prefer to not have Discussions on that individual post.
Change your mind? You can enable or disable Discussions after you post your content. Tap on the Optionsicon. Select to “Hide Discussion” or “Show Discussion” to change the post’s settings.
If you hide Discussions, all existing responses will be hidden. If you choose to show Discussions, the hidden responses will repopulate.
Deleting, Reporting, and Blocking Responses
We have built Discussions so that creators are able to maintain control over all of their interactions. Creators are able to delete or report inappropriate Discussions, creating a safer online environment for themselves and the VSCO community. Additionally, you can prevent another creator from engaging in Discussions on your posts by using the blocking feature.
On your own post:
Long press on the response to utilize the “Delete”, “Report,” and “Block” features.
To delete a response, either yours or another creator’s, select “Delete” from the options menu. Please note you will not be able to undo this action. |
To report a response, select “Report” from the options menu. Then select the violation type and submit your report to our Trust & Safety Team for review. You will also be prompted to delete the response after you make your report. |
To block a creator, select Block from the options menu. The creator’s responses on all your past posts will be deleted, and you won’t be able to see their responses on other creator’s posts. They will not be able to view or interact with your content, follow you, or message you. The creator will not receive a notification that they were blocked. |
On another creator’s post:
Long press on the response to utilize the “Delete”, “Report”, and “Block” features.
To delete your own response on another creator’s post, select “Delete” from the options menu. Please note you will not be able to undo this action. |
To report a response on another creator’s post, select “Report” from the options menu. Then select the violation type and submit the report to our Trust & Safety Team for review. |
If you would like to block the creator that submitted the response you reported on another creator’s post, navigate to their profile and select “Block” from the options menu. You can also block a creator without reporting by selecting “Block” from the options menu when long pressing on the response. |
We appreciate you doing your part to keep our VSCO community a safe and trusted one. For more information on staying safe on VSCO check out the following resources:
Learn more about safety on VSCO.
Last updated April 2024