Discussions is a brand new VSCO feature that allows users to engage in conversations on posts.
Discussions FAQ’s:
Q. Why was the Discussions feature created?
A. Many creators have asked for a more meaningful way to interact and engage with other creators to connect, get inspired and grow creatively.
Q. Are Discussions available for all users?
A. The Discussions feature is only available for Plus and Pro Members on iOS.
Q. What about free creators?
A. Free creators are able to view Discussions on posts, as well as access Discussions within Spaces they contribute to.
Q. Will I be able to turn off Discussions?
A. Yes, there is an option to “Allow discussion” or not before publishing to your Profile.
Q. Will I be able to disable Discussions after it’s been posted?
A. Yes, you will have the ability to disable Discussions at any time after publishing.
Q. I stopped paying for a membership. What happens to my Discussions?
A. The previous Discussions on your posts will be hidden. No new discussions can be added by you or any other creators.
Q. What about the Discussions I posted on other members publishing after canceling my membership?
A. Your previous responses will remain viewable, but you will not be able to add new Discussions until you have an active membership.
Q. What type of controls do I have over individual responses?
A. You will have the ability to delete or report Discussions, or block creators.
- Delete: You can delete your response or another creator's response.
- Report: You can report a response to our Trust & Safety Team. Find more info here.
- Block: You can block the user from their Profile page. This will hide their responses from your Discussions and not allow them to post new responses. (Please note, blocking a user doesn’t prevent them from viewing your profile or content.)
Q: How can I get good feedback, or have helpful conversations on VSCO?
A: When you enable Discussions on a post by choosing “Allow discussion”, consider what you want to get from it, and ask your followers the question you want to discuss. Be specific - Is this lighting moody, or just underexposed? is going to get you much better answers than What do you think?
Q: How can I give good feedback or ask good questions on VSCO?
- Try to be helpful to the creator. There’s no algorithm rewarding you for engagement, so just use it for both of your benefits.
- Focus on the work, and be curious. What elements about the image do you like? What questions do you have about equipment, editing or overall composition?
- Remember that critique will feel better mixed with encouragement, and consider whether a private message might be better than a public space for your feedback.
Q: How can I navigate and use all the feedback I’m getting in discussions?
- Don’t forget that you can turn discussions on or off anytime, as well as delete messages and block or report users if needed.
- Try to have a learner’s mindset of constant improvement, and let others help you with that journey.
- Make sure you like your work above all. History is full of artists that just did the work they thought best without much appreciation in their lifetime, but are now in museums. Create for you, first.
In your mind, filter feedback into these three categories:
Helpful - specific, actionable, inspiring, useful
- Use this feedback to grow.
Unhelpful - vague, not actionable
- Dismiss this feedback.
Redeemable - Not worded well, perhaps unkind, but with a slice of possibly helpful insight
- Consider this feedback, and even let others you trust help you with it.