How VSCO stores photos has changed
VSCO no longer stores copies of your photos in your Studio. Please note that any photos imported to your Studio before this change (May 2019) will not be affected and will remain as a copy in your VSCO studio.
Now, after you import your photos into VSCO, you’ll be able to edit and save a draft of your photos in the VSCO Studio.
To save a permanent copy of your photos, you’ll need to save them to your Camera Roll (iOS) or Gallery (Android).
If you delete the VSCO app at any point without backing up the VSCO app, you will lose your photos. This includes photos imported before and after the update. We strongly encourage you to regularly backup your device to avoid losing photos. Here is an article on how to backup your device and photos.
Here's what you need to know about this update to your VSCO Studio
- Imported photos in Studio: Deleting any imported photos from your Camera Roll or Gallery will also remove them from your VSCO Studio. VSCO is only storing a reference of the photos that exists in your Camera Roll / Gallery. If you delete any media from your Camera roll or Gallery and want to restore this, please see our article here. Please note you cannot restore the media in your VSCO Studio, you must reimport the recovered media.
- Edits made to photos in Camera Roll / Gallery: When you make edits to your original photo in your Camera Roll / Gallery, these same edits will appear on photo if it was imported to into VSCO.
Saving your photos to your Camera Roll or Gallery after editing
First, toggle on the "Save to Camera Roll" option, then tap the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.
Not done editing your photo?
Toggling the “Save to Camera Roll” and “Post to VSCO” options to the off position will allow you to save a draft of your photo in your Studio without exporting a copy to your Camera Roll / Gallery or posting to your VSCO profile.
Saving your photos to your Camera Roll or Gallery from Studio
Tap on one or more photos you wish to save, then tap on the ellipses icon to display the Share Opions screen.
Tap on "Save to Camera Roll"
Finding saved VSCO photos in Camera Roll [iOS only]
You can find all your VSCO photos in one place in your Camera Roll.
Open the Photos app, tap “Albums” at the bottom of the screen and then tap “See All" in the top right corner of the app.
Here you’ll see a folder named “VSCO” or “VSCO Cam” which will include all of the photos you have saved to your Camera Roll from VSCO.