In order to gain full access to your VSCO Account, you must verify the email or device associated with the account.
If you are signing into VSCO with a new device, please see Account Security: New Device Sign in.
If you've lost access to the original email or phone number associated with the VSCO account or new device you are trying to verify, please see Lost Access to VSCO Account. Hint: If you are signing into VSCO with a new device, but still have access to the old device, sign into VSCO on the old device with and your old email or phone number and then update your credentials in your profile.
If you didn't receive the device verification email, check your spam folder first. If you don't see the email there, try signing out and back into the same VSCO account again to see if the email arrives. If you still don't see it, please see I'm not receiving a password reset or account verification email