If you are having trouble creating a VSCO account please be sure to not use special characters such as %&^$#@!_ when inputting a username and only use letters, numbers, and hyphens. Please update your VSCO app to the latest release.
Tap here to update VSCO for iOS
Having issues with creating a VSCO account with Snapchat, Apple SSO, or Phone?
If your session is getting stuck and you're not allowed to continue with the registration, please perform the following:
1. Sign out of the session by tapping Sign Out.
2. Force quit VSCO. Tap here to learn how to force close on iOS
3. Restart the Sign-up session by relaunching VSCO.
4. Tap Create a new Account.
5. Tap either Sign up with Apple, Snapchat, or Phone.
Remember to not use special characters when creating a username.
Invalid special character in user names:
Acceptable format for user names:
If you cannot create a VSCO account and need help, please submit a ticket on a desktop or laptop computer using our help icon in the bottom right corner at support.vsco.co.
You will not be able to submit a support ticket on a mobile device if you cannot create a VSCO account.