VSCO respects the trademark rights of others, and it’s important to us to keep our platform free of trademark infringement.
What Is Trademark Infringement?
Trademark infringement occurs when, without authorization, someone uses a trademark in commerce that is identical or confusingly similar to a registered trademark owned by someone else. This causes a likelihood of confusion about the source or origin of products or services, leading consumers to mistakenly believe that there is an association, endorsement, or affiliation between the two parties.
It is important to note, it is not trademark infringement for someone to refer to a trademark to describe the products or services, or to compare them to other products or services.
How Do I Report Trademark Infringement?
If you believe that someone has infringed on your trademark on VSCO, you can use this form to report the infringement. After you submit your report, we will take appropriate action, and may follow up with you for additional information.
What if I Just Want Someone’s Username?
If someone is using your name to impersonate you or your trademark, please report it. However, if the username you want is simply already in use, even if it is your given name or username on other platforms, it is not a violation of trademark laws or our Community Guidelines. VSCO will not take action in these instances.
If a username you want is being used by another creator, you can add numbers, symbols, or punctuation to create a similar username that’s not already in use.
Learn more about safety on VSCO.
Last Updated July 2024