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VSCO: Photo & Video Editor

Experiment with 200+ high-quality filters




8 Replies

  • Official comment

    VSCO Studio on web is here! Experience the power of VSCO editing on your desktop with VSCO Pro membership.

    Learn more here -

  • Kei Naiki


    デスクトップ版を是非もどして欲しい なんだかんだACR版が一番良かった フィルムが高騰している今こそデスクトップ版を復活させて欲しいですね。

    That's really it.

    I really want the desktop version back. For what it's worth, the ACR version was the best. Now that film is soaring in price, I'd like to see the desktop version come back.

  • Jason Jahnke

    Completely agree! it would be a really opportune time to come back to the market when its so expensive to shoot actual film. Its a non-starter for me.

  • mark lundberg

    100% there should be a desktop app that functions like the mobile app and allows exports of TIFFs and JPGs at full resolution. So many photographers would subscribe and pay the subscription fee - VSCO would see their audience start growing immediately. The presets would only be accessible in the app and there could even be a basic amount of presets then there could be exclusive packs that are extra $ that you purchase once and are added to your app. VSCO is missing out on this revenue stream, they could appeal to so many photographers with this.

  • Jason Jahnke

    Couldn't agree more Mark!

  • liz lopez

    I recently had to update my
    Computer and I lost the Vsco acr for desktop is asking me for a license key 😩

  • Connor MᶜGrady

    Is there any way to download a preset? I'm worried my favorite filter will be discontinued...

  • Brian Tafel

    Absolutely agree. I want a desktop version, and I’d like to see the return of Film Packs.

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