How tos and general help (iOS & Android)
- Discussions FAQs
- Adding a Birthday to your Profile
- Remove Tool for VSCO Studio on web
- Studio Sorting and Filter Feature (iOS Only)
- Searching on VSCO
- (Permission Denied) error message when signing into account on
- Create a VSCO Account (Android)
- Create a VSCO Account (iOS)
- Synced Drafts with VSCO Cloud
- Introducing Histogram
- Android FX Errors FAQs
- Using the Collage Tool with iOS 16
- Export Studio Drafts to Device
- Supported Devices and System Requirements
- New Global Menu
- New Studio Layout
- Collage
- Dodge and Burn Tool
- How to Use the Blur Tool (iOS only)
- Editing with Video and Photo FX Tool
- Removal Tool
- Studio View iOS
- How to Sync IOS Media in iCloud
- New Capturing Experience for VSCO Camera (iOS Only)
- Recovering deleted images or videos from Photos app (iOS) and Google Photos app (Android)
- Samsung Galaxy Store - Made for Samsung VSCO app and VSCO Membership FAQ
- Switching devices: iOS to Android or Android to iOS
- My images are missing in VSCO
- Preset Views
- How Do I Use Messages?